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Program Launch in 2022

A think tank for urban scholars and professionals engaging in ongoing research in policy, planning and urbanism

CityINSTITUTE is a think tank for city policymakers, urban scholars, planners, design professionals, activists, politicians, civic leaders and related professionals, providing the resources and support for deep, rigorous and fundamental research into the culture, design, politics, policies and civic landscape of New York City and other global cities.


CityINSTITUTE will provide a collegial space for fundamental research and discourse, conducting ongoing, interdisciplinary investigations that will support the student learning and work in Living City Project's other programs, including CityGAP, CityLAB, CitySUMMER and CityTERM.


CityINSTITUTE will contribute research and resources to relevant policy, urbanism and design projects in New York City conducted by our partners in city agencies, neighborhood organizations, community development corporations, cultural institutions, mutual aid organizations, and architectural firms.

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